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Self "car" tips

Did you know that the average person wastes around 10 hours a year on refilling car fuel? That’s more than a full work day that is lost annually because of such a minor action. We will allow you to have more time every year from here on out for you to increase your productivity or spend more time with your loved ones.


Our employees at HeyValet will ensure that your car is pristine at your request. But it’s not our objective to encourage you to be lax with your cleanliness. Here are plenty of personal tips to make your driving experience cleaner and healthier:


Place a trash can in your car

Having a plastic bag or a mini trash can in your car is an effective way for you to keep track of the rubbish that you gather on a day to day basis. This will help you keep your car and the streets cleaner since you’ll always have a place on hand to store your garbage.

Cup holder liner

Let’s be honest, we’ve all had bad days where we’ve accidentally spilled our coffee. And in our cars, one speed bump can cause you to spill some even when your cup is inside its holder. Placing a liner inside the cup holder can soak up the liquid from the cup and prevent it from making your car dirty.


Keep wet wipes inside your car

We all have accidents every now and then, there’s no way around that. But it’s important to be equipped to deal with them and one of the best ways to deal with an unintended mess is with some wet wipes that you can quickly get from your glove compartment.

Put an air freshener

Unpleasant smells can make your driving experience much more frustrating and a fruity air freshener can brighten your days.


Take something out every time you leave

The key to getting ahead of your car’s cleanliness is to not let things pile up. A simple tip is to take some bit of trash from your car every time you leave. Even if it’s something small, if you do this every time you will prevent your car from becoming dirty in a way that makes your driving experience less satisfying. 

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